ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈɛnɪweɪ/


  • 1used to confirm or support a point or idea just mentioned:I told you, it’s all right, and anyway, it was my fault it’s too late now anyway
  • used in questions to emphasize the speaker’s wish to obtain the truth:‘What are you doing here, anyway?’
  • 2used to end a conversation, to change the subject, or to resume a subject after interruption:‘Anyway, Dot, I must dash.’
  • used to pass over less significant aspects of an account in order to focus on what is important:‘Poor John always enjoyed a drink. Anyway, he died last year.’
  • 3used to indicate that something happened or will happen in spite of something else:nobody invited Miss Honey to sit down but she sat down anyway
