ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /dɪˈlɪvə/


  • 1bring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or goods) to the proper recipient or address:the products should be delivered on time [no object]:we’ll deliver direct to your door
  • 2provide (something promised or expected):he had been able to deliver votes in huge numbers [no object]:she’s waiting for him to deliver on his promise
  • formally hand over (someone):there was a reward if you were delivered unharmed to the nearest British post
  • (deliver someone/thing up) surrender someone or something:had he feared she would deliver him up to the police?
  • Law acknowledge that one intends to be bound by (a deed), either explicitly by declaration or implicitly by formal handover.
  • 3launch or aim (a blow, ball, or attack):he delivered a punch to the man’s belly figurativethe company has delivered a body blow to this city
  • 4state in a formal manner:he will deliver a lecture on endangered species he delivered himself of a sermon
  • (of a judge or court) give (a judgement or verdict):the court was due to deliver its verdict
  • 5assist in the birth of:the village midwife delivered the baby
  • (also archaic be delivered of) give birth to:she was delivered of her second child
  • assist (a woman) in giving birth.
  • 6 (deliver someone/thing from) save, rescue, or set someone or something free from:deliver us from the nightmare of junk mail

deliver the goods

informal provide that which is promised or expected: the command economy can’t deliver the goods


