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გამოთქმა: /dɛpθ/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something:water of no more than 12 feet in depth
  • the distance from the front to the back of something:the depth of the wardrobe
  • the distance from the top or surface of something to a specified lower point within it: [in singular]:loosen the soil to a depth of 8 inches
  • the apparent existence of three dimensions in a picture or other two-dimensional representation:texture in a picture gives it depth
  • 2the quality of being intense or extreme:he was surprised by the depth of Eloise’s vindictiveness the government failed to understand the depth of the problems
  • complexity and profundity of thought:the book has unexpected depth
  • extensive and detailed study or knowledge:third-year courses typically go into more depth
  • 3intensity of colour:strong lighting will accentuate the depth of colour
  • 4 (the depths) a point far below the surface:he lifted the manhole cover and peered into the depths beneath
  • a time considered to be the worst point within a bad period:4 a.m. in the depths of winter
  • a time when one’s negative feelings are at their most intense:she was in the depths of despair
  • a remote and inaccessible place:I wish I didn’t live in the depths of Devon

hidden depths

admirable but previously unnoticed qualities:his solo spots reveal hidden depths

in depth

comprehensively and thoroughly:research students pursue a specific aspect of a subject in depthSee also in-depth.

out of one's depth

in water too deep to stand in: just out of our depth, we bounce down below the surface of the water
in a situation that is beyond one’s capabilities:they soon realized they were out of their depth in Division One I find it difficult to talk in a situation like this—I’m out of my depth

