drive a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
drink deep
take a large draught or draughts of something: figurativehe learnt to drink deep of the Catholic tradition
drink someone's health
express one’s good wishes for someone by raising one’s glass and drinking a small amount.
drink (a toast) to
celebrate or wish for the good fortune of someone or something by raising one’s glass and drinking a small amount:let’s drink to the success of our venture
drink someone under the table
informal consume as much alcohol as one’s drinking companion without becoming as drunk.
drive someone to drink
often humorous
trouble or disturb someone so much that they start to drink alcohol heavily:a job with enough management crises and near-disasters to drive any sane person to drink
I'll drink to that
uttered to express one’s agreement with or approval of a statement.
in drink
when intoxicated:we’ve hit each other before, in drink