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გამოთქმა: /ˈleɪdi/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a polite or formal way of referring to a woman:I spoke to the lady at the travel agency [as modifier]:a lady doctor
  • used as a courteous designation for a female fellow member of the House of Commons:the Right Honourable Lady promised me her support
  • chiefly North American used as an informal, often brusque, form of address to a woman:I’m sorry, lady, but you have the wrong number
  • 2a woman of good social position: lords and ladies were once entertained at the house
  • a courteous, decorous, or genteel woman:his wife was a real lady, with such nice manners
  • (Lady) (in the UK) a title used by peeresses, female relatives of peers, the wives and widows of knights, etc.:Lady Caroline Lamb
  • a woman at the head of a household: a portrait of the lady of the house
  • 3 (one's lady) dated a man’s wife:the vice president and his lady
  • (also lady friend) a female lover or sweetheart: the young man bought a rose for his lady he caught me entertaining a lady friend in the office
  • historical a woman to whom a man, especially a knight, is chivalrously devoted.
  • 4 (the Ladies) British a women’s public toilet.

find the lady

another term for three-card trick.

it isn't over till the fat lady sings

used to convey that there is still time for a situation to change.
[by association with the final aria in tragic opera]

ladies who lunch

informal, often derogatory women with both the means and free time to meet socially for lunch in expensive restaurants: these forgotten types, the ladies who lunch and underwrite foundling hospitals

Lady Bountiful

a woman who engages in ostentatious acts of charity to impress others.
[ early 19th century: from the name of a character in Farquhar's The Beaux' Stratagem (1707)]

Lady Luck

chance personified as a controlling power in human affairs:it seemed Lady Luck was still smiling on them

Lady Muck

British informal a haughty or socially pretentious woman: it’s that woman, Lady Muck herself—who does she think she is?

My Lady

a polite form of address to female judges and certain noblewomen: ‘You look truly charming, my lady,’ she said



