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გამოთქმა: /nɪˈsɛsɪti/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1 [mass noun] the state or fact of being required:the necessity of providing parental guidance
  • the state of being unavoidable:the necessity of growing old
  • a situation enforcing a certain course of action:political necessity induced him to consider it
  • 2an indispensable thing:a good book is a necessity when travelling
  • 3 [mass noun] Philosophy the principle according to which something must be so, by virtue either of logic or of natural law.
  • [count noun] a condition that cannot be otherwise, or a statement asserting this.

necessity is the mother of invention

proverb when the need for something becomes essential, you are forced to find ways of getting or achieving it.

of necessity

unavoidably: to alleviate labour shortages employers will, of necessity, offer better deals for part-timers

