ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /nɒt/


  • (often Not) Art (of paper) not hot-pressed, and having a slightly textured surface.


  • 1 (also n't joined to a preceding verb) used with an auxiliary verb or ‘be’ to form the negative:he would not say she isn’t there didn’t you tell me?
  • used in some constructions with other verbs: [with infinitive]:he has been warned not to touch the pain of not knowing she not only wrote the text but also researched the photographs
  • 2used as a short substitute for a negative clause:maybe I’ll regret it, but I hope not ‘Don’t you keep in touch?’ ‘I’m afraid not’ they wouldn’t know if I was telling the truth or not
  • 3used to express the negative of other words:not a single attempt was made treating the symptoms and not the cause ‘How was it?’ ‘Not so bad.’
  • used with a quantifier to exclude a person or part of a group:not all the poems are serious
  • no more than (used to indicate a surprisingly small quantity):the brakes went on not ten feet from him
  • 4used in understatements to suggest that the opposite of a following word or phrase is true:the not too distant future not a million miles away
  • informal, humorous following and emphatically negating a statement:that sounds like quality entertainment—not
    [ late 19th century: popularized by the film Wayne's World (1992)]

არსებითი სახელი

  • a Boolean operator with only one variable that has the value one when the variable is zero and vice versa.
  • (also not gate) a circuit which produces an output signal only when there is not a signal on its input.

not at all

  • 1definitely not:‘You don’t mind?’ ‘Not at all.’
  • 2used as a polite response to thanks.

not but what

archaic nevertheless:not but what the picture has its darker side

not half

see half.

not least

see least.

not quite

see quite.

not that

it is not to be inferred that:I’ll never be allowed back—not that I’d want to go back

not a thing

nothing at all.

not very

see very.
