ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈʌpə/


  • 1situated above another part:his upper arm the upper atmosphere
  • higher in position or status:the upper end of the social scale
  • 2situated on higher ground.
  • situated to the north: [in place names]:Upper California
  • 3 Geology & Archaeology denoting a younger (and hence usually shallower) part of a stratigraphic division or archaeological deposit or the period in which it was formed or deposited:the Upper Palaeolithic age

არსებითი სახელი

  • the part of a boot or shoe above the sole: leather uppers

have (or gain) the upper hand

have or gain advantage or control over someone or something: he usually has the upper hand because he’s older each strives to gain the upper hand in military might

on one's uppers

informal extremely short of money: Joe invited us out to lunch because we were both on our uppers

the upper crust

informal the upper classes: a sort of trade school for the upper crust

