ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /əˈdʒʌst/


  • 1 [with object] alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result:he smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie a single control adjusts the water flow
  • [no object] permit small alterations or movements so as to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result:a harness that adjusts to the correct fit
  • [no object] adapt or become used to a new situation:she must be allowed to grieve and to adjust in her own way his eyes had adjusted to semi-darkness
  • 2 [with object] assess (loss or damages) when settling an insurance claim: the insurance agent may have the responsibility of adjusting small losses

do not adjust your set

used to tell someone that information is true, although it appears strange or incorrect:yes, the candidate is from Montana. Do not adjust your set


