ონლაინ ლექსიკონი


back end

განმარტებულია back end სიტყვის თარგმნა სინონიმები


  • 1relating to the end of a project, process, or investment:many annuities have back-end surrender charges
  • 2 Computing denoting a subordinate processor or program, not directly accessed by the user, which performs a specialized function on behalf of a main processor or software system: a back-end database server

არსებითი სახელი

  • the end of something which is furthest from the front or the working end:the back end of the car swung round
  • informal the rump or buttocks: a face like the back end of a sheep
  • the latter part of a period of time:the book takes us up to the back end of last year
