ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /blʌɪnd/


  • 1unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition:a blind man with a stick he was blind in one eye (as plural noun the blind)guide dogs for the blind
  • (of an action, especially a test or experiment) done without being able to see or without having relevant information:a blind tasting of eight wines
  • Aeronautics (of flying) using instruments only:blind landings during foggy conditions
  • 2lacking perception, awareness, or judgement:a blind acceptance of the status quo she was blind to the realities of her position
  • not controlled by reason:they left in blind panic
  • not governed by purpose:a world of blind chance
  • 3concealed or closed, in particular:
  • (of a corner or bend in a road) impossible to see round:two trucks collided on a blind curve in the road
  • (of a door or window) walled up: fresco paintings on the blind windows
  • closed at one end:a blind pipe
  • 4 [with negative] British informal not the slightest (used in emphatic expressions):this declaration is not a blind bit of good to the workers
  • 5(of a plant) without buds, eyes, or terminal flowers: planting too shallowly is the most common cause of bulbs coming up blind


  • without being able to see clearly:he was the first pilot in history to fly blind wines were tasted blind
  • without having all the relevant information; unprepared:he was going into the interview blind
  • (of a stake in poker or brag) put up by a player before the cards dealt are seen.

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a screen for a window, especially one on a roller or made of slats:she pulled down the blinds
  • British an awning over a shop window.
  • 2 [in singular] something designed to conceal one’s real intentions:he phoned again from his own home: that was just a blind for his wife
  • North American a camouflaged shelter used for observing or hunting wildlife:a duck blind
  • 3British informal, dated a heavy drinking bout:he’s off on a blind again


  • 1cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily:the injury temporarily blinded him her eyes were blinded with scalding tears
  • 2deprive (someone) of understanding, judgement, or perception:he was blinded by his faith somehow Clare and I were blinded to the truth
  • (blind someone with) confuse or overawe someone with (something they do not understand):they try to blind you with science
  • 3 [no object, with adverbial of direction] British informal, dated move very fast and dangerously:I could see the bombs blinding along above the roof tops

bake something blind

bake a pastry or flan case without a filling.

(as) blind as a bat

informal having very bad eyesight: she’s blind as a bat without glasses

blind drunk

informal extremely drunk.

there's none so blind as those who will not see

proverb there’s no point trying to reason with someone who does not want to listen to reason.

turn a blind eye

pretend not to notice: please, don’t turn a blind eye to what is happening
[said to be in allusion to Nelson, who lifted a telescope to his blind eye at the Battle of Copenhagen (1801), thus not seeing the signal to ‘discontinue the action’]

when the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a ditch

proverb those people without knowledge or experience should not try to guide or advise others in a similar position:I didn’t know anything about fighting and neither did my students—it was the blind leading the blind



