ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈkeɪb(ə)l/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a thick rope of wire or hemp used for construction, mooring ships, and towing vehicles: steel cables held the convoy together
  • the chain of a ship’s anchor.
  • Nautical a length of 200 yards (182.9 m) or (in the US) 240 yards (219.4 m): he caught a glimpse of the mast, a cable or two downwind
  • short for cable stitch.
  • (also cable moulding) Architecture a moulding resembling twisted rope.
  • 2an insulated wire or wires having a protective casing and used for transmitting electricity or telecommunication signals:an underground cable [mass noun]:transatlantic phone calls went by cable
  • a cablegram: this was an occasion for using the telephone, not cables, teletexes, or letters
  • short for cable television.I watch polo on cable


  • 1send a message to (someone) by cablegram:he cabled her to cancel all arrangements
  • transmit (a message) by cablegram: the secretariat cabled a reply
  • [no object] send a cablegram: have you got the drugs I cabled for?
  • 2provide (an area) with power lines or with the equipment necessary for cable television: nearly all urban areas are cabled, so viewers can choose from up to 20 channels
  • 3 Architecture decorate (a structure) with rope-shaped mouldings.
