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გამოთქმა: /drʌm/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a percussion instrument sounded by being struck with sticks or the hands, typically cylindrical, barrel-shaped, or bowl-shaped, with a taut membrane over one or both ends: a shuffling dance to the beat of a drum
  • (drums) a drum kit: how to play guitar, drums, or keyboards
  • (drums) the percussion section of a band or orchestra.
  • [in singular] a sound made by or resembling that of a drum:the drum of their feet
  • historical a military drummer.
  • 2a cylindrical container or receptacle:a drum of powdered bleach
  • a rotating cylindrical part in a washing machine, in which the washing is placed.
  • Architecture the circular vertical wall supporting a dome.
  • Architecture a stone block forming part of a column.
  • Australian/NZ a tramp’s bundle of belongings.
  • 3British informal a house or flat.
  • 4an evening or afternoon tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century: a drum at Lady Beresford’s
  • 5Australian/NZ informal a piece of reliable inside information:he had got the drum that the police wouldn’t lock us up
    [ early 20th century: perhaps by association with the musical instrument used to give a signal]


  • 1 [no object] play on a drum: he channelled his energies into drumming with local groups
  • make a continuous rhythmic noise:she felt the blood drumming in her ears (as noun drumming)the drumming of hooves
  • [with object] beat (the fingers, feet, etc.) repeatedly on a surface, especially as a sign of impatience or annoyance:waiting around an empty table, drumming their fingers
  • (of a woodpecker) strike the bill rapidly on a dead trunk or branch, especially as a sound indicating a territorial claim: two greater spotted woodpeckers were drumming (as noun drumming)the mechanical drumming of a woodpecker
  • (of a snipe) vibrate the outer tail feathers in a diving display flight, making a throbbing sound: snipe should now be drumming all round the reserve
  • 2 [with object] Australian/NZ informal, dated give (someone) reliable information or a warning:I’m drumming you, if they come I’m going

beat (or bang) the drum of (or for)

be ostentatiously in support of:he bangs the drum of the free market

drum something home

another way of saying drum something into.they keep drumming this point home

drum something into

make (someone) learn something by constant repetition:it had been drummed into them to dress correctly

drum someone out

expel or dismiss someone with ignominy from a place or institution:he was drummed out of the air force
[with allusion to the formal military drum beat accompanying dismissal from a regiment]

drum something up

attempt to obtain something by canvassing or soliciting:the organizers are hoping to drum up support from local businesses
