ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /rɛd/


  • 1of a colour at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies:her red lips the sky was turning red outside
  • (of a person or their face) flushed or rosy, especially with embarrassment, anger, or heat:there were some red faces in headquarters he went bright red
  • (of a person’s eyes) bloodshot or having pink rims, especially with tiredness or crying:her eyes were red and swollen
  • (of hair or fur) of a reddish-brown colour: her long, red hair his hair was red
  • dated, offensive (of a people) having reddish skin.
  • of or denoting the suits hearts and diamonds in a pack of cards:a red queen
  • (of wine) made from dark grapes and coloured by their skins: a glass of red wine
  • denoting a red light or flag used as a signal to stop.
  • used to denote something forbidden, dangerous, or urgent:the force went on red alert
  • (of a ski run) of the second-highest level of difficulty, as indicated by coloured markers on the run.
  • Physics denoting one of three colours of quark.
  • 2 (Red) informal, chiefly derogatory communist or socialist (used especially during the Cold War with reference to the Soviet Union): the era of nuclear anxiety, the red scare and covert CIA plots
  • 3 archaic or literary involving bloodshed or violence:red battle stamps his foot and nations feel the shock
  • 4 (also red-blanket) South African (of a Xhosa) coming from a traditional tribal culture: a red Xhosa wife spends several years in her mother-in-law’s homesteadContrasted with school1.
    [with reference to the blankets traditionally worn by the Xhosa people]

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1 [mass noun] red colour or pigment:their work is marked in red by the teacher
  • red clothes or material:she could not wear red
  • 2a red thing, in particular:
  • a red wine: good Italian reds at affordable prices [mass noun]:a bottle of red
  • a red ball in snooker or billiards.
  • a red light.
  • 3 (also Red) informal, chiefly derogatory a communist or socialist.
  • 4 (the red) the situation of owing money to a bank because one has spent more than is in one’s account:the company was £4 million in the red
    [from the conventional use of red ink to indicate debt items]

better dead than red (or better red than dead)

a Cold War slogan claiming that the prospect of nuclear war was preferable to that of a communist society (or vice versa).

(as) red as a beetroot (North American beet)

(of a person) red-faced, typically through embarrassment.

red in tooth and claw

involving savage or merciless conflict or competition:nature, red in tooth and claw
[from Tennyson's In Memoriam]

the red planet

a name for Mars.

a red rag to a bull

an object, utterance, or act which is certain to provoke someone:the refusal to discuss the central issue was like a red rag to a bull

reds under the bed

used during the cold war with reference to the feared presence and influence of communist sympathizers.

see red

informal become very angry suddenly:the mere thought of Piers with Nicole made her see red









