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გამოთქმა: /strɒŋ/


  • 1having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks:she cut through the water with her strong arms
  • [attributive] able to perform a specified action well and powerfully:he was not a strong swimmer
  • exerting great force:a strong current
  • powerful and difficult to resist or defeat:a strong leader the competition was too strong the company was in a strong position to negotiate a deal
  • (of an argument or case) likely to succeed because of sound reasoning or convincing evidence:there is a strong argument for decentralization
  • powerfully affecting the mind, senses, or emotions:his imagery made a strong impression on the critics
  • (of language or actions) forceful and extreme, especially excessively or unacceptably so:the government were urged to take strong measures against the perpetrators of violence a play full of strong language
  • 2able to withstand force, pressure, or wear:cotton is strong, hard-wearing, and easy to handle
  • not easily affected by disease or hardship: despite his strong constitution, constant worry and exposure to the elements had worn him down
  • not easily disturbed, upset, or affected:driving on these motorways requires strong nerves only a strong will enabled him to survive
  • firmly held or established:he was a man of strong, though unconventional, religious beliefs they had established a strong and trusting relationship
  • (of a market) having steadily high or rising prices.
  • 3very intense:a strong smell
  • (of something seen or heard) not soft or muted; clear or prominent:she should wear strong colours
  • (of food or its flavour) distinctive and pungent:strong cheese
  • (of a solution or drink) containing a large proportion of a particular substance; concentrated:a cup of strong coffee strong lager
  • Chemistry (of an acid or base) fully ionized into cations and anions in solution; having (respectively) a very low or a very high pH.
  • 4used after a number to indicate the size of a group:a hostile crowd several thousands strong
  • 5 Grammar denoting a class of verbs in Germanic languages that form the past tense and past participle by a change of vowel within the stem rather than by addition of a suffix (e.g. swim, swam, swum).
  • 6 Physics relating to or denoting the strongest of the known kinds of force between particles, which acts between nucleons and other hadrons when closer than about 10−13 cm (so binding protons in a nucleus despite the repulsion due to their charge), and which conserves strangeness, parity, and isospin.

come on strong

  • 1behave aggressively or assertively, especially in making sexual advances to someone: she came on so strong that she frightened him off
  • 2improve one’s position considerably:he came on strong towards the end of the round

going strong

informal continuing to be healthy, vigorous, or successful:the programme is still going strong after twelve series

strong on

good at:he is strong on comedy
possessing large quantities of:our pizza wasn’t strong on pine nuts

strong meat

British ideas or language likely to be found unacceptably forceful or extreme: this is pretty strong meat for this hour of the morning

one's strong point

something at which one excels:arithmetic had never been my strong point





