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გამოთქმა: /tjuːn/

არსებითი სახელი

  • a melody, especially one which characterizes a certain piece of music:she left the theatre humming a cheerful tune


  • 1adjust (a musical instrument) to the correct or uniform pitch:he tuned the harp for me [no object]:we could hear the band tuning up
  • 2adjust (a receiver circuit such as a radio or television) to the frequency of the required signal:the radio was tuned to the BBC
  • [no object] (tune in) watch or listen to a television or radio broadcast: tune in next week and find out!
  • (tune something out) exclude a sound or transmission of a particular frequency: certain tones would be muted or tuned out entirely
  • 3adjust (an engine) or balance (mechanical parts) so that a vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently: the suspension was tuned for a softer ride
  • 4adjust or adapt (something) to a particular purpose or situation:the animals are finely tuned to life in the desert
  • 5 [with two objects] South African informal tell (something) to (someone):he starts tuning you stories about his youth
    [transferred use of tune 'adjust, put right']

call the tune

see call.

change one's tune

see change.

in (or out of) tune

with correct (or incorrect) pitch or intonation: they couldn’t sing a note in tune
(of a motor engine or other machine) properly (or poorly) adjusted.
in (or not in) agreement or harmony:he was out of tune with conventional belief

there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle

proverb someone’s abilities do not depend on their being young.

to the tune of

informal amounting to or involving (a specified considerable sum):he was in debt to the tune of forty thousand pounds

be tuned in

informal be sensitive to or able to understand something:it’s important to be tuned in to your child’s needs

tune into

become sensitive to:you must tune into the needs of loved ones

tune out

informal stop listening or paying attention:if you’re in a boring lecture you can tune out


(also tuneable) adjective



  • untune