ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ədˈvɑːns/


  • done, sent, or supplied beforehand:advance notice

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a forward movement:the rebels' advance on Madrid was well under way figurativethe advance of civilization
  • 2a development or improvement:advances in engineering techniques [mass noun]:decades of great scientific advance
  • an increase in amount or price:share prices showed significant advances
  • 3an amount of money paid before it is due or for work only partly completed:the author was paid a £250,000 advance
  • a loan:an advance from the bank
  • 4 (usually advances) an approach made to someone with the aim of initiating sexual or amorous relations:her tutor made advances to her


  • 1 [no object] move forwards in a purposeful way:he advanced towards the dispatch box the troops advanced on the capital
  • move forward in time:as the nineteenth century advanced
  • [with object] change the date of (an event) so as to occur earlier than planned:I advanced the schedule by several weeks
  • 2make or cause to make progress: [no object]:our knowledge is advancing all the time [with object]:it was a chance to advance his own interests
  • [no object] (of shares) increase in price: the food group advanced 12p to 639p
  • 3 [with object] put forward (a theory or suggestion):the hypothesis I wish to advance in this article
  • 4 [with two objects] lend (money) to (someone):the building society advanced them a loan
  • pay (money) to (someone) before it is due:he advanced me a month’s salary

in advance

ahead in time:you need to book weeks in advance

in advance of

ahead of; before:we went on ahead in advance of the main group



