airy გამოთქმა: /ˈɛːri/ განმარტებულია airy სიტყვის თარგმნა ფლექსია სინონიმები ანტონიმები ზედსართავი Universal 1(of a room or building) spacious, well lit, and well ventilated: the conservatory is light and airy a large, airy room delicate, as though filled with or made of air:airy clouds giving an impression of light gracefulness and elegance:her airy presence filled the house 2not treating something as serious; casual:her airy unconcern for economy airiness noun სინონიმები aerial aeriform aery aired airlike airy animated blowy breezy celestial ethereal fairylike frolicsome gay gossamer impractical joyous light lively long-winded sprightly supernal tedious ventilated verbose visionary windy wordy ანტონიმები clumsy dull dystopian heavy inert material ponderous real slow sluggish stony substantial unventilated wooden