1a small piece of glass, stone, or similar material that is threaded with others to make a necklace or rosary or sewn on to fabric:long strings of beadsrosary beadsshe fastened the beads round my neck [as modifier]:a bead curtain
2a drop of a liquid on a surface:beads of sweat
3a small knob forming the foresight of a gun.
4the reinforced inner edge of a pneumatic tyre that grips the rim of the wheel.
5an ornamental plaster moulding resembling a string of beads or having a semicircular cross section.
1 (often as adjective beaded) decorate or cover with beads:a beaded evening bag
string (beads) together:seashells beaded into belts
2cover (a surface) with drops of moisture:his face was beaded with perspiration
draw (or get) a bead on
chiefly North American take aim at with a gun:I drew a bead on the nape of his neck
fully understand or make sense of:it’s hard to draw a bead on the stock market these days