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გამოთქმა: /brɪdʒ/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a structure carrying a road, path, railway, etc. across a river, road, or other obstacle:a bridge across the River Thames a railway bridge
  • something intended to reconcile or connect two seemingly incompatible things:a committee which was formed to create a bridge between rival party groups
  • short for land bridge.
  • 2the elevated, enclosed platform on a ship from which the captain and officers direct operations: Talbot stepped across the two gunwales and made his way up to the bridge
  • 3the upper bony part of a person’s nose:he pushed his spectacles further up the bridge of his nose
  • the central part of a pair of glasses, fitting over the bridge of the nose: these sunglasses have a special nose bridge for comfort
  • 4a partial denture supported by natural teeth on either side.
  • 5 Music the part of a stringed instrument over which the strings are stretched: ebony bridges and fingerboards
  • 6 Music a bridge passage or middle eight.
  • 7the support for the tip of a billiard cue formed by the hand.
  • a long stick with a frame at the end which is used to support a cue for a difficult shot.
  • 8an electric circuit with two branches across which a detector or load is connected, used to measure resistance or other property by equalizing the potential across the two ends of a detector, or to rectify an alternating voltage or current.


  • be or make a bridge over (something):a covered walkway bridged the gardens earlier attempts to bridge St George’s Channel had failed
  • make (a difference between two groups) smaller or less significant:new initiatives were needed to bridge the great abyss of class

a bridge too far

a step or act that is regarded as being too drastic to take:having Botox would be a bridge too far
something that is very difficult to achieve:that second goal proved a bridge too far

build bridges

promote friendly relations between groups:the challenge for all politicians now is to build bridges between communities

cross that bridge when one comes to it

deal with a problem when and if it arises.


