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გამოთქმა: /tʃɑːns/


  • fortuitous; accidental:a chance meeting

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  • 1a possibility of something happening:there is a chance of winning the raffle [mass noun]:there is little chance of his finding a job
  • (chances) the probability of something desirable happening:he played down his chances of becoming chairman
  • [in singular] an opportunity to do or achieve something:I gave her a chance to answer
  • 2 [mass noun] the occurrence of events in the absence of any obvious intention or cause:he met his brother by chance


  • 1 [no object, with infinitive] do something by accident or without intending to:he was very effusive if they chanced to meet
  • (chance upon/on/across) find or see by accident:he chanced upon an interesting advertisement
  • 2 [with object] informal do (something) despite its being dangerous or of uncertain outcome:they chanced a late holiday

as chance would have it

as it happened: as chance would have it, we were going camping that weekend

by any chance

possibly (used in tentative enquiries or suggestions):were you looking for me by any chance?

chance one's arm (or luck)

British informal undertake something although it may be dangerous or unsuccessful: the ferryman decided not to chance his luck in the storm

chance would be a fine thing

British informal expressing a speaker’s belief that something is desirable but the opportunity is unlikely to arise: ‘You should come to the cafe with us.’ ‘Chance would be a fine thing.’

no chance

informal there is no possibility of that: Pressed for further comment, he snarled: ‘No chance.’

on the (off) chance

just in case: she thought of ringing on the off chance of catching him at the flat

stand a chance

have a prospect of success or survival:his rivals don’t stand a chance

take a chance (or chances)

behave in a way that leaves one vulnerable to danger or failure: the bank was prepared to take a chance and lend him 40% of the purchase price it was probably safe, but she was taking no chances
(take a chance on) put one’s trust in (something or someone) knowing that it may not be safe or certain: his boss was prepared to take a chance on youngsters

take one's chance

do something risky with the hope of success: he was tempted to stay on the train and take his chance

