ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /kəˈmɛnd/


  • 1praise formally or officially:he was commended by the judge for his courageous actions
  • 2present as suitable for approval or acceptance; recommend:I commend her to you without reservation
  • make (something) acceptable or pleasing:the emphasis on peace will commend itself to all most one-roomed flats have little to commend them
  • 3 (commend someone/thing to) archaic or formal entrust someone or something to:as they set out on their journey I commend them to your care
  • (commend someone to) pass on someone’s good wishes to: commend me to my son, and bid him rule better than I

highly commended

British failing to win a prize but nevertheless considered meritorious: the winner gets £2,000, and two other projects will be highly commended
