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გამოთქმა: /ˈkʌmp(ə)ni/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a commercial business:a shipping company [in names]:the Ford Motor Company [as modifier]:a company director
  • 2 [mass noun] the fact or condition of being with another or others, especially in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment:I really enjoy his company
  • [with adjective or modifier] a person or people regarded as pleasant (or unpleasant) to be with:she is excellent company you’re not much company—I might as well go home
  • the person or group of people whose society one is currently sharing:he was silent among such distinguished company
  • a visiting person or group of people:I’m expecting company
  • 3a number of individuals gathered together:the Mayor addressed the assembled company
  • a body of soldiers, especially the smallest subdivision of an infantry battalion, typically commanded by a major or captain:B Company of the Cheshire Regiment
  • a group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together:a national opera company
  • British a group of Guides.


  • associate with; keep company with:these men which have companied with us all this time
  • [with object] archaic accompany (someone):the fair dame, companied by Statius and myself

and company

used after a person’s name to denote those people usually associated with them: the psycholinguistics of Jacques Lacan and company

be in good company

be in the same situation as someone important or respected: if you spot the ghost, you are in good company: King George V saw it too

in company

with another person or a group of people:he feels at ease in company

in company with

together with:the US dollar went through a bad patch in 1986, in company with the oil market

keep (or archaic bear) someone company

accompany or spend time with someone in order to prevent them feeling lonely or bored: at weekends I kept my father company
engage in the same activity as someone else in order to be sociable:I’ll have a drink myself, just to keep you company

keep company with

associate with habitually:she began keeping company with a real-estate developer

