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გამოთქმა: /krʌst/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1the tough outer part of a loaf of bread:a sandwich with the crusts cut off [mass noun]:I tore off several pieces of crust from the loaf
  • a hard, dry scrap of bread:a kindly old woman might give her a crust
  • 2a hardened layer, coating, or deposit on the surface of something soft:a crust of snow
  • a layer of pastry covering a pie.
  • the outermost layer of rock of which a planet consists, especially the part of the earth above the mantle:the earth’s crust
  • a deposit of tartrates and other substances formed in wine aged in the bottle, especially port.
  • 3British informal a living or livelihood:I’ve been earning a crust wherever I can


  • form into a hard outer layer:the blisters eventually crust over
  • [with object] cover with a hard outer layer:the burns crusted his cheek


adjective ( Geology)
