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გამოთქმა: /kʌp/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a small bowl-shaped container for drinking from, typically having a handle.
  • the contents of a cup:a cup of tea
  • chiefly North American a measure of capacity used in cookery, equal to half a US pint (0.237 litre):a cup of butter
  • (in church use) a chalice used at the Eucharist: Latin was replaced by the vernacular, and the cup was offered to the laity
  • 2an ornamental trophy in the form of a cup, usually made of gold or silver and having a stem and two handles, awarded as a prize in a sports contest.
  • (Cup) a contest in which the winners are awarded a cup:playing in the Cup is the best thing ever
  • 3a cup-shaped thing.
  • either of the two parts of a bra shaped to contain or support one breast:she had grown from an A to a C cup in just six months
  • Golf the hole on a putting green, or the metal container in it: the ball bounced out of the cup
  • 4 [mass noun] a mixed drink made from fruit juices and typically containing wine or cider: the bars offered large glasses of white wine cup a non-alcoholic fruit cup
  • 5 (cups) one of the suits in a tarot pack.


  • 1form (one’s hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup:‘Hey!’ Dad shouted, with his hands cupped around his mouth
  • place the curved hand or hands around:he cupped her face in his hands
  • 2 Medicine, historical bleed (someone) by using a glass in which a partial vacuum is formed by heating:Dr Ross ordered me to be cupped

in one's cups

informal drunk: he became mellow and humorous when in his cups

not one's cup of tea

informal not what one likes or is interested in:cats were not her cup of tea


noun (plural cupfuls)
