ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /dɑːk/


  • 1with little or no light:it’s too dark to see much
  • (of a theatre) closed; not in use: when I came to work here, over half the West End theatres were dark
  • 2(of a colour or object) not reflecting much light; approaching black in shade:dark green
  • (of someone’s skin, hair, or eyes) brown or black in colour: dark curly hair
  • (of a person) having dark skin, hair, or eyes: a tall, dark girl both my father and I are very dark
  • 3(of a period or situation) characterized by great unhappiness or unpleasantness:the dark days of the war
  • deeply pessimistic:a dark vision of the future
  • (of an expression) angry: Matthew flashed a dark look at her
  • suggestive of or arising from evil; sinister:so many dark deeds had been committed
  • 4hidden from knowledge; mysterious:a dark secret
  • (darkest) humorous (of a region) most remote, inaccessible, or uncivilized:he lives somewhere in darkest Essex
  • archaic ignorant; unenlightened:he is dark on certain points of scripture
  • 5 Phonetics denoting a velarized form of the sound of the letter l (as in pull in south-eastern English speech). Often contrasted with clear.

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1 (the dark) the absence of light in a place:Carolyn was sitting in the dark
  • [mass noun] nightfall:I’ll be home before dark
  • 2a dark colour or shade, especially in a painting: lights and darks are juxtaposed arbitrarily to create a sense of shallow relief

the darkest hour is just before the dawn

proverb when things seem to be at their worst they are about to start improving.

in the dark

in a state of ignorance: the player is still in the dark about his future

keep something dark

British keep something secret: you’ve kept your plans very dark

a shot (or stab) in the dark

an act whose outcome cannot be foreseen; a guess: their experiments were little more than shots in the dark




adjective ( literary)

