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გამოთქმა: /drɑːft/



არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a preliminary version of a piece of writing:the first draft of the party’s manifesto [as modifier]:a draft document
  • a plan, sketch, or rough drawing: a manuscript draft representing the explorer’s latest findings
  • [mass noun] Computing a mode of operation of a printer in which text is produced rapidly but with relatively low definition.
  • 2a written order to pay a specified sum.
  • 3 (the draft) US compulsory recruitment for military service:25 million men were subject to the draft
  • North American a procedure whereby sports players are made available for selection or reselection by the teams in a league, usually with the earlier choices being given to the weaker teams: the White Sox chose him in the 13th round of the 1990 draft
  • rare a group or individual selected from a larger group for a special duty, e.g. for military service: the draft and I were sent to the barracks near Folkestone


  • 1prepare a preliminary version of (a document):I drafted a letter of resignation
  • 2select (a person or group of people) and bring them somewhere for a certain purpose:riot police were drafted in to break up the blockade
  • US conscript (someone) for military service: he was drafted in 1938
  • North American select (a player) for a sports team through the draft: he was drafted by Winnipeg and traded the following spring


