ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈfɔːwəd/


  • 1directed or facing towards the front or the direction that one is facing or travelling:forward flight the pilot’s forward view
  • positioned near the enemy lines:troops moved to the forward areas
  • situated in or towards the bow or nose of a ship or aircraft: the forward cargo doors [predic.]:the crew’s cabin is forward
  • Electronics (of a voltage applied to a semiconductor junction) in the direction which allows significant current to flow.
  • 2 [attributive] relating to the future:forward planning
  • 3progressing towards a successful conclusion:the decision is a forward step
  • further advanced than expected or required:an alarmingly forward yet painfully vulnerable child
  • 4(of a person) bold or overfamiliar in manner: I am not usually a forward sort of person


  • 1in the direction that one is facing or travelling; towards the front:he started up the engine and the car moved forward Rory leaned forward over the table
  • in or towards the bow or nose of a ship or aircraft.
  • in the normal order or sequence:the number was the same backwards as forwards
  • 2onward so as to make progress:the signing of the treaty is a big step forward
  • 3towards the future:looking forward, earnings are expected to hit £7.2 billion
  • to an earlier time:the special issue has been moved forward to November

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an attacking player in football, hockey, or other sports.
  • 2 (forwards) agreements to trade specified assets, typically currency, at a specified price at a certain future date. Compare with future (sense 2 of the noun).


  • 1send (a letter or email) on to a further destination:my emails were forwarded to a friend I recently received an email forwarded from a friend (as adjective forwarding)a forwarding address
  • dispatch or send (a document or goods):apply by forwarding a CV
  • 2help to advance (something); promote:the scientists are forwarding the development of biotechnology

forward of

in front of:the units are located forward of the flight deck control and display panels

take something forward

take responsibility for dealing with a task or developing a project:he’s designed a potentially successful product and we’re doing all we can to help him take it forward



