ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /frɒθ/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a mass of small bubbles in liquid caused by agitation, fermentation, or salivating:leave the yeast until there is a good head of froth
  • impure matter that rises to the surface of liquid:skim off any surface froth
  • something that rises in a soft, light mass:her skirt swirled in a froth of black lace
  • 2worthless or insubstantial talk, ideas, or activities:the froth of party politics


  • form or contain a rising or overflowing mass of small bubbles:the red blood frothed at his lips
  • rise in a soft, light mass:she wore an ivory silk blouse, frothing at neck and cuffs
  • [with object] agitate (a liquid) so as to produce a mass of small bubbles: users found it easy to froth milk for cappuccino
  • behave or talk angrily:the cinema lobby frothed with indignation

froth at the mouth

emit a large amount of saliva from the mouth in a bodily seizure.
informal be very angry: one can barely read a word without frothing at the mouth
