used to convey that there is still time for a situation to change.
[by association with the final aria in tragic opera]
ladies who lunch
informal, often derogatory women with both the means and free time to meet socially for lunch in expensive restaurants:these forgotten types, the ladies who lunch and underwrite foundling hospitals
Lady Bountiful
a woman who engages in ostentatious acts of charity to impress others.
[early 19th century: from the name of a character in Farquhar's The Beaux' Stratagem (1707)]
Lady Luck
chance personified as a controlling power in human affairs:it seemed Lady Luck was still smiling on them
Lady Muck
British informal a haughty or socially pretentious woman:it’s that woman, Lady Muck herself—who does she think she is?
My Lady
a polite form of address to female judges and certain noblewomen:‘You look truly charming, my lady,’ she said