ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /magəˈziːn/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, often on a particular subject or aimed at a particular readership:a women’s weekly magazine
  • (also magazine programme) a regular television or radio programme comprising a variety of topical items: a religious magazine programme aimed at the ordinary man and woman in the street
  • 2a container or detachable receptacle for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun: he took the machine gun and a spare magazine
  • a receptacle for storing and feeding film to a camera, CDs to a compact disc player, etc.: you can program only the playback sequence of the discs in the magazine, not individual tracks
  • 3a store for arms, ammunition, and explosives for military use.
