naughty გამოთქმა: /ˈnɔːti/ განმარტებულია naughty სიტყვის თარგმნა ფლექსია სინონიმები ანტონიმები ზედსართავი Universal 1(especially of a child) badly behaved; disobedient:you’ve been a really naughty boy 2 informal mildly rude or indecent, typically because related to sex:naughty goings-on 3 archaic wicked. the naughty step British informal a place where a child is sent after misbehaving in order to reflect on their actions. a situation of public disgrace:the bosses of the unions found themselves on the naughty step naughtily adverb naughtiness noun სინონიმები blue blueish bluish dark disconsolate dismal dispirited down in the mouth down(p) drear fat gamey gamy gentle gloomy hot low lu mettlesome naughty profane puritanical racy red-hot robust savoury spirited spunky toothsome zesty ანტონიმები good unsexy