ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /njuː/


  • 1produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before:the new Madonna album new crop varieties this tendency is not new (as noun the new)a fascinating mix of the old and the new
  • not previously used or owned:a second-hand bus costs a fraction of a new one
  • of recent origin or arrival:a new baby
  • (of vegetables) dug or harvested early in the season:new potatoes
  • 2already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time:her new bike a new sensation
  • (new to) unfamiliar or strange to (someone):a way of living that was new to me
  • (new to/at) inexperienced at or unaccustomed to (an activity):I’m quite new to gardening
  • different from a recent previous one:I have a new assistant this would be her new home
  • in addition to another or others already existing:looking for new business
  • [in place names] discovered or founded later than and named after:New York
  • 3beginning anew and in a transformed way:starting a new life the new South Africa
  • (of a person) reinvigorated:a bottle of pills would make him a new man
  • superseding and more advanced than another or others of the same kind:the new architecture
  • reviving another or others of the same kind:the New Bohemians


  • newly; recently:new-mown hay he was enjoying his new-found freedom

a new one

informal an account, idea, or joke not previously encountered by someone:somebody being too lazy to talk—that’s a new one on me

what's new

  • 1(said on greeting someone) what’s going on? how are you?: ‘Hello Preston, what’s new?’
  • 2used to express the fact that a situation is entirely predictable:United were unlucky ... so what’s new?





