ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /wʌn/


  • 1referring to a person or thing previously mentioned or easily identified:her mood changed from one of moroseness to one of joy her best apron, the white one do you want one?
  • 2a person of a specified kind:you’re the one who ruined her life my friends and loved ones
  • a person who is remarkable in some way:you never saw such a one for figures
  • 3 [third person singular] used to refer to the speaker, or any person, as representing people in general:one must admire him for his willingness one gets the impression that he is ahead


  • 1the lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1:there’s only room for one person two could live as cheaply as one one hundred miles a one-bedroom flat (Roman numeral: i, I)
  • a single person or thing:they would straggle home in ones and twos
  • just one as opposed to any more or to none at all; single (used for emphasis):her one concern is to save her daughter
  • denoting a particular item of a pair or number of items:electronics is one of his hobbies a glass tube closed at one end
  • denoting a particular but unspecified occasion or period:one afternoon in late October
  • used before a name to denote a person who is not known to the reader or hearer; a certain:he worked as a clerk for one Mr Ming
  • informal, chiefly North American a noteworthy example of (used for emphasis):the actor was one smart-mouthed troublemaker he was one hell of a snappy dresser
  • one year old.
  • one o’clock:I’ll be there at one
  • a size of garment or other merchandise denoted by one.
  • a domino or dice with one spot.
  • 2the same; identical:all types of training meet one common standard
  • 3 informal a joke or story:the one about the Englishman, the Irishman, and the Yank
  • 4 informal an alcoholic drink:a cool one after a day on the water
  • 5West Indian alone: the time when you one tackled a field of cane and finished before the others had even started
    [a use recorded in Old English, becoming obsolete in standard use in the mid 16th century]

at one

in agreement or harmony:they were completely at one with their environment

for one

used to stress that the person named holds the specified view, even if no one else does:I for one am getting a little sick of writing about it

get it in one

informal understand or succeed in guessing something immediately: ‘You’re just trying to distract me.’ She grinned. ‘Got it in one!’

have one over the eight

see eight.

one after another (or the other)

following each other in quick succession:one after another the buses drew up

one and all

everyone: well done one and all!

one and only

unique; single (used for emphasis or as a designation of a celebrity):the title of his one and only book the one and only Muhammad Ali

one another

each other: the children used to tease one another

one by one

separately and in succession; singly.

one day

see day.

one for one

denoting or referring to a situation in which one thing corresponds to or is exchanged for another:these donations would be matched on a one-for-one basis with public revenues

one of a kind

see kind1.

one or another (or the other)

denoting or referring to a particular but unspecified one out of a set of items:not all instances fall neatly into one or another of these categories

one or two

informal a few:there are one or two signs worth watching for

one thing and another

informal used to cover various unspecified matters or events:what with one thing and another she hadn’t had much sleep recently

the one

a person regarded as one’s destined life partner:it sounds corny, but I think he’s the one

