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გამოთქმა: /peɪn/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury:she’s in great pain [count noun]:chest pains
  • (also pain in the neck or vulgar slang arse) informal an annoying or tedious person or thing:she’s a pain
  • 2mental suffering or distress:the pain of loss
  • 3 (pains) great care or trouble:she took pains to see that everyone ate well


  • cause mental or physical pain to:it pains me to say this her legs had been paining her
  • [no object] chiefly North American (of a part of the body) hurt:sometimes my right hand would pain

for one's pains

informal as an unfairly bad return for one’s efforts:he was sued for his pains

no pain, no gain

suffering is necessary in order to achieve something: get them knees up—no pain, no gain!
[originally used as a slogan in fitness classes]

on (or under) pain of

the penalty for disobedience or shortcoming being:they proscribed all such practices on pain of death

