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გამოთქმა: /ˈplatfɔːm/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a raised level surface on which people or things can stand:there are viewing platforms where visitors may gape at the chasm
  • a raised floor or stage used by public speakers or performers so that they can be seen by their audience: [as modifier]:he was a popular platform speaker she was good enough to earn her living on the concert platform
  • a raised structure along the side of a railway track where passengers get on and off trains at a station: he walked along Platform 2
  • British the floor area at the entrance to a bus.
  • a raised structure standing in the sea from which oil or gas wells can be drilled or regulated: offshore platforms
  • [usually with modifier] a raised structure or orbiting satellite from which rockets or missiles may be launched: the launch platform orbiting weapons platforms
  • a standard for the hardware of a computer system, which determines what kinds of software it can run.
  • 2 [usually in singular] the declared policy of a political party or group:seeking election on a platform of low taxes
  • an opportunity to voice one’s views or initiate action:the forum will provide a platform for discussion of communication issues
  • 3a shoe with very thick soles: [as modifier]:yellow platform shoes
