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გამოთქმა: /ˈpɒkɪt/


  • of a suitable size for carrying in a pocket:a pocket German dictionary
  • on a small scale:a 6,000 acre pocket paradise

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles: she fished for her door key in her coat pocket
  • a pouch-like compartment providing separate storage space, for example in a suitcase or car door: the pack has two main compartments and four pockets
  • South African a narrow sack in which agricultural produce is sold, used as a measure for trading: consumers are paying the same for 10 kg pockets of potatoes as they paid for 15 kg pockets last year
  • Billiards & Snooker an opening at the corner or on the side of the table into which balls are struck.
  • informal a person’s financial resources:the food was all priced to suit the hard-up airman’s pocket
  • 2a small patch of something:some of the gardens still had pockets of dirty snow in them
  • a small, isolated group or area:there were pockets of disaffection in parts of the country
  • a cavity in a rock or stratum filled with ore or other material.


  • put into one’s pocket:she watched him lock up and pocket the key
  • take or receive (money or other valuables) for oneself, especially dishonestly:local politicians were found to have been pocketing the proceeds of fund-raisers
  • Billiards & Snooker drive (a ball) into a pocket: he pocketed the 8-ball on the break for a victory in the title game
  • enclose as though in a pocket:the fillings can be pocketed in a pitta bread
  • suppress (one’s feelings) and proceed despite them:they were prepared to pocket their pride

in pocket

having enough money or money to spare; having gained in a transaction: he knows how to stay in pocket and out of trouble
(of money) gained by someone from a transaction: for every £100 staked a regular better will end up with £88 in pocket

in someone's pocket

  • 1dependent on someone financially and therefore under their influence: it was important that the voters should not be seen to be in any man’s pocket
  • 2very close to and closely involved with someone:I’m tired of villages where everyone lives in everyone else’s pocket

out of pocket

having lost money in a transaction: the organizer of the concert was £3,700 out of pocket after it was cancelled
(out-of-pocket) [as modifier] (of an expense or cost) paid for directly rather than being put on account or charged to some other person or organization.

pay out of pocket

US pay for something with one’s own money, rather than from a particular fund or account: they don’t have to worry about paying out of pocket for equipment and supplies

put one's hand in one's pocket

spend or provide one’s own money: the club’s manager has offered to put his hand in his pocket to pay for a player on loan




noun (plural pocketfuls)


