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გამოთქმა: /prɪk/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an act of piercing something with a sharp point:the pin prick had produced a drop of blood
  • a small hole or mark made by pricking something.
  • a sharp pain caused by being pierced with a sharp point: he felt a tiny prick in his arm
  • a sudden feeling of an unpleasant emotion:she felt a prick of resentment
  • 2 vulgar slang a man’s penis.
  • a stupid or contemptible man.
  • 3 archaic a goad for oxen.


  • 1make a small hole in (something) with a sharp point; pierce slightly:prick the potatoes all over with a fork
  • [no object] feel a sensation as though a sharp point were sticking into one:she felt her scalp prick and her palms were damp
  • (of tears) cause the sensation of imminent weeping in (a person’s eyes):tears of disappointment were pricking her eyelids
  • cause mental or emotional discomfort to:her conscience pricked her as she told the lie
  • provoke to action:the police were pricked into action by the horrifying sight
  • 2(especially of a horse or dog) make (the ears) stand erect when on the alert: the dog’s ears were pricked

kick against the pricks

hurt oneself by persisting in useless resistance or protest.
[with biblical allusion to Acts 9:5]

one's ears prick up

one becomes suddenly attentive:my ears pricked up when I overheard two guys discussing the actress

prick up one's ears

(especially of a horse or dog) make the ears stand erect when on the alert.
(of a person) become suddenly attentive: he pricked up his ears when he heard them talking about him

a spare prick at a wedding

British vulgar slang a person who is out of place or has no role in a particular situation.

prick something out

  • 1draw a pattern by making small holes in a surface:he pricked out a rough design with his dagger
  • decorate a surface by pricking out a pattern: belts were often pricked out in fancy patterns
  • 2plant seedlings in small holes made in the earth: he was in the garden pricking out marigolds


