(also quite so) expressing agreement with or understanding of a remark or statement:‘I don’t want to talk about that now.’ ‘Quite’
1to the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely:it’s quite out of the questionare you quite certain about this?this is quite a different problemI quite agreequite frankly, I don’t blame you
US very; really (used as an intensifier):‘You’ve no intention of coming back?’ ‘I’m quite sorry, but no, I have not.’
West Indian all the way:dresses quite from Port of Spain
2to a certain or fairly significant extent or degree; fairly:it’s quite warm outsidehe’s quite an attractive man
not quite
not completely or entirely:my hair’s not quite dryshe hasn’t quite got the hang of it yet
not quite the thing
not well, healthy, or normal:I’m afraid Oliver isn’t feeling quite the thing this morning
socially unacceptable:it wouldn’t be quite the thing to turn up in a raincoat and wellies
quite a —— (also often ironicquite the ——)
used to indicate that the specified person or thing is perceived as particularly notable, remarkable, or impressive:quite a party, isn’t it?quite the little horsewoman, aren’t you?