ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1the way in which two or more people or things are connected; a thing’s effect on or relevance to another:questions about the relation between writing and reality the size of the targets bore no relation to their importance
  • (relations) the way in which two or more people or groups feel about and behave towards each other:the improvement in relations between the two countries the meetings helped cement Anglo-American relations
  • (relations) formal sexual intercourse:did you always have good, healthy relations with your wife?
  • 2a person who is connected by blood or marriage; a relative:he has no close relations
  • 3 [mass noun] the action of telling a story.

in relation to

in the context of; in connection with:there is an ambiguity in the provisions in relation to children’s hearings

