ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /rɪˈspɒns/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a verbal or written answer:there was laughter at his response to the question [mass noun]:we received 400 applications in response to one job ad
  • an answer to a question in a test, questionnaire, etc.: table 3.1 shows the mean number of correct responses given by each age group
  • (usually responses) a part of a religious liturgy said or sung by a congregation in answer to a minister or cantor.
  • 2a reaction to something:an extended, jazzy piano solo drew the biggest response from the crowd [mass noun]:an Honours degree course in Japanese has been established in response to an increasing demand
  • Psychology & Physiology an excitation of a nerve impulse caused by a change or event; a physical reaction to a specific stimulus or situation: we unwittingly induce Pavlovian-type responses in dogs by establishing a rigid routine for feeding there is considerable species variation in the stomach’s response to alcohol
  • the way in which a mechanical or electrical device responds to a stimulus or stimuli: the throttle response from the 1870 cc engine is almost petrol sharp
  • Bridge a bid made in answer to one’s partner’s preceding bid.
