ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈrɪb(ə)n/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a long, narrow strip of fabric, used for tying something or for decoration:the tiny pink ribbons in her hair [mass noun]:four lengths of ribbon
  • a ribbon of a special colour or design awarded as a prize or worn to indicate the holding of an honour, especially a small multicoloured piece of ribbon worn in place of the medal it represents: his medal ribbons were bright as a rainbow
  • (ribbons) prizes; honours:in the Silk Cup trophy class Mullins stayed in the ribbons
  • 2a long, narrow strip:slice the peppers into ribbons lengthways
  • a narrow band of impregnated material wound on a spool and forming the inking agent in some typewriters and computer printers: the notes had been typed on an old portable with a faded ribbon


  • extend or move in a long, narrow strip like a ribbon:miles of concrete ribboned behind the bus

cut a (or the) ribbon

ceremonially open a building or road, typically by cutting a ribbon across the entrance: the MP cut a ribbon to mark the completion of the new bypass figurativethe firm cut the ribbon on a £30 million joint venture in Beijing

cut (or tear) something to ribbons

cut (or tear) something so badly that only ragged strips remain: the counterpane had been cut to ribbons
damage something severely:the country has seen its economy torn to ribbons by recession


