1a length of thick strong cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, nylon, or similar material:there was no way down, even with a rope [mass noun]:coils of rope
North American a lasso.
(the rope) used in reference to execution by hanging:executions by the rope continued well into the twentieth century
(the ropes) the ropes enclosing a boxing or wrestling ring.
2a quantity of roughly spherical objects such as onions or beads strung together:a rope of pearls
3 (the ropes) informal the established procedures in an organization or area of activity:I want you to show her the ropes
[mid 19th century: with reference to ropes used in sailing]
1catch, fasten, or secure with rope:the calves must be roped and led out of the stockadethe climbers were all roped together
(rope something off) enclose or separate an area with a rope or tape:police roped off the area
[no object] Climbing (of a party of climbers) connect each other together with a rope:we stopped at the foot of the ridge and roped up
[no object] (rope down/up) Climbing climb down or up using a rope:the party had been roping down a hanging glacier
2 (rope someone in/into) persuade someone, despite reluctance, to take part in (an activity):anyone who could sing in tune was roped in
give a man enough rope (or plenty of rope) and he will hang himself
proverb given enough freedom of action a person will bring about their own downfall.