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გამოთქმა: /ʃeɪd/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1 [mass noun] comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight:sitting in the shade this area will be in shade for much of the day
  • the darker part of a picture.
  • a position of relative inferiority or obscurity:her elegant pink and black ensemble would put most outfits in the shade
  • (usually shades) literary a shadow or area of darkness:the shades of evening drew on
  • historical a portrait in silhouette.
  • 2a colour, especially with regard to how light or dark it is or as distinguished from one nearly like it:various shades of blue [mass noun]:Maria’s eyes darkened in shade
  • Art a slight degree of difference between colours.
  • a slightly differing variety of something:politicians of all shades of opinion
  • [in singular] a slight amount of something:the goal had more than a shade of good fortune about it
  • 3a lampshade: a small lamp with a crimson shade
  • (often shades) North American a screen or blind on a window: draw the shades, chill the wine
  • an eyeshade.
  • (shades) informal sunglasses: he wore shades and a leather jacket
  • 4 literary a ghost: the ghost is the shade of Lucy Walters, first mistress of Charles II
  • (the Shades) the underworld; Hades.


  • 1screen from direct light:she shaded her eyes against the sun
  • cover, moderate, or exclude the light of:he shaded the torch with his hand
  • 2darken or colour (an illustration or diagram) with parallel pencil lines or a block of colour:she shaded in the outline of a chimney
  • [no object, with adverbial] (of a colour or something coloured) gradually change into another colour:the sky shaded from turquoise to night blue
  • 3British informal narrowly win or gain an advantage in (a contest):the Welsh side shaded a tight, tough first half
  • 4make a slight reduction in the amount, rate, or price of:banks may shade the margin over base rate they charge customers
  • [no object] decline slightly in price, amount, or rate: [with complement]:their shares shaded 10p to 334p

a shade ——

a little ——:he was a shade hung-over

shades of ——

used to suggest reminiscence of or comparison with someone or something specified:a long, drawn-out orchestral climax (shades of Wagner or Strauss)




