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გამოთქმა: /sməʊk/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1 [mass noun] a visible suspension of carbon or other particles in air, typically one emitted from a burning substance:bonfire smoke
  • 2an act of smoking tobacco:I’m dying for a smoke
  • informal a cigarette or cigar: you’re going to buy some smokes of your own
  • 3 (the Smoke or the Big Smoke) British informal a big city, especially London:she was offered a job in the Smoke


  • 1 [no object] emit smoke or visible vapour:heat the oil until it just smokes
  • 2 [no object] inhale and exhale the smoke of tobacco or a drug:Janine was sitting at the kitchen table smoking [with object]:he smoked forty cigarettes a day
  • 3 [with object] treat, fumigate, or cleanse by exposure to smoke.
  • (often as adjective smoked) cure or preserve (meat or fish) by exposure to smoke:smoked salmon
  • (usually as adjective smoked) treat (glass) so as to darken it:the smoked glass of his lenses
  • subdue (insects, especially bees) by exposing them to smoke: they then smoke the bees until they are stupid
  • (smoke someone/thing out) drive someone or something out of a place by using smoke:we will fire the roof and smoke him out
  • (smoke someone out) force someone to make something known:as the press smokes him out on other human rights issues, he will be revealed as a social conservative
  • 4 [with object] North American informal kill (someone) by shooting: they gotta go smoke this person
  • defeat overwhelmingly in a fight or contest: I got smoked in that fight
  • 5 [with object] archaic make fun of (someone): we baited her and smoked her

go up in smoke

informal be destroyed by fire: three hundred tons of straw went up in smoke
(of a plan) come to nothing:more than one dream is about to go up in smoke

no smoke without fire (North American also where there's smoke there's fire)

proverb there’s always some reason for a rumour.

smoke and mirrors

North American the obscuring or embellishing of the truth of a situation with misleading or irrelevant information:the budget process is an exercise in smoke and mirrors
[with reference to illusion created by conjuring tricks]

smoke like a chimney

smoke tobacco incessantly: ironic—you smoke like a chimney and the lungs are OK


(also smokeable) adjective
