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გამოთქმა: /snɔːt/

არსებითი სახელი

  • an explosive sound made by the sudden forcing of breath through one’s nose, used to express indignation, derision, or incredulity:he gave a snort of disgust
  • a snorting sound made by an animal, typically when excited or frightened: she could hear the occasional snort of a pony
  • informal a quantity of an illegal drug, especially cocaine, inhaled in powdered form through the nose:they were high on a few snorts
  • informal a measure of an alcoholic drink:a bottle of rum was opened and they took a good long snort


  • make a sudden explosive sound through one’s nose, especially to express indignation or derision:she snorted with laughter [with direct speech]:‘How perfectly ridiculous!’ he snorted
  • (of an animal) make a sudden explosive sound through the nose, especially when excited or frightened: the horse came to a halt, snorting
  • [with object] informal inhale (the powdered form of an illegal drug, especially cocaine) through the nose: Debbie had spent the evening snorting cocaine and drinking
