ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈsɒlɪd/


  • 1firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid:the stream was frozen solid solid fuels
  • strongly built or made of strong materials; not flimsy or slender:a solid door with good, secure locks
  • 2having three dimensions:a solid figure with six plane faces
  • [attributive] concerned with objects having three dimensions:solid geometry
  • 3not hollow or containing spaces or gaps:a sculpture made out of solid rock a solid mass of flowers the shops were packed solid
  • consisting of the same substance throughout:solid silver cutlery
  • (of typesetting) without extra space between the lines of characters.
  • (of a line or surface) without spaces; unbroken:the solid outline encloses the area within which we measured
  • (of time) uninterrupted; continuous: [postpositive]:it poured for two hours solid
  • unanimous or undivided:they received solid support from their teammates
  • 4dependable; reliable:the defence is solid there is solid evidence of lower inflation
  • sound but without any special qualities or flair:the rest of the acting is solid
  • 5 (solid with) US informal on good terms with:he thought he could put himself in solid with you by criticizing her
  • 6Australian informal severe; unfair:they’ll be solid on him for that mistake

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a substance or object that is solid rather than liquid or fluid.
  • (solids) food that is not liquid:she drinks only milk and rarely eats solids
  • 2 Geometry a body or geometric figure having three dimensions.

do someone a solid

US informal do something for someone as an act of kindness; do someone a favour:they’re a business, not a family friend or a buddy who will do you a solid for being a good customer

the solid South

chiefly historical the politically united Southern states of America, traditionally regarded as giving unwavering electoral support to the Democratic Party.





