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გამოთქმა: /spʌn(d)ʒ/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a primitive sedentary aquatic invertebrate with a soft porous body that is typically supported by a framework of fibres or calcareous or glassy spicules. Sponges draw in a current of water to extract nutrients and oxygen.
    • Phylum Porifera: several classes
  • Phylum Porifera: several classes
  • 2a piece of a soft, light, porous absorbent substance originally consisting of the fibrous skeleton of an aquatic invertebrate but now usually made of synthetic material, used for washing and cleaning.
  • [in singular] an act of wiping or cleaning with a sponge:they gave him a quick sponge down
  • [mass noun] a soft, light, porous substance used as padding or insulating material:the headguard is padded with sponge
  • a barrier contraceptive in the form of a piece of soft, light, porous material impregnated with spermicide and inserted into a woman’s vagina.
  • [mass noun, with modifier] metal in a porous form, typically prepared by reduction without fusion or by electrolysis:platinum sponge
  • 3 (also sponge cake) British a very light cake made with eggs, sugar, and flour but little or no fat:a chocolate sponge [mass noun]:the gateau is made with moist sponge
  • short for sponge pudding.
  • 4 informal a person who lives at someone else’s expense.
  • 5 informal a heavy drinker.


  • 1 [with object] wipe or clean with a wet sponge or cloth:she sponged him down in an attempt to cool his fever
  • remove or wipe away (liquid or a mark) with a sponge or cloth:I’ll go and sponge this orange juice off my dress
  • give a decorative effect to (a painted surface) by applying a different shade of paint with a sponge: she repainted the walls white, then sponged them in turquoise, green, and lilac
  • decorate (pottery) using a sponge.
  • 2 [no object] informal obtain or accept money or food from other people without doing or intending to do anything in return:they found they could earn a perfectly good living by sponging off others
  • [with object] obtain (money or food) from someone without doing anything in return:he edged closer, clearly intending to sponge money from her





