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გამოთქმა: /spəː/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a device with a small spike or a spiked wheel that is worn on a rider’s heel and used for urging a horse forward.
  • a horny spike on the back of the leg of a cock or male game bird, used in fighting.
  • a steel point fastened to the leg of a gamecock.
  • Medicine a short pointed growth or process on a part of the body.
  • 2a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive:wars act as a spur to practical invention
  • 3a thing that projects or branches off from a main body, in particular:
  • a projection from a mountain or mountain range: it’s an easy walk up the spur that leads to the summit
  • a short branch road or railway line.
  • Botany a slender tubular projection from the base of a flower, e.g. a honeysuckle or orchid, typically containing nectar.
  • a short fruit-bearing side shoot.
  • 4a small, single-pointed support for ceramic ware in a kiln.


  • 1urge (a horse) forward by digging one’s spurs into its sides:she spurred her horse towards the hedge
  • give an incentive or encouragement to (someone):her sons' passion for computer games spurred her on to set up a software shop
  • promote the development of; stimulate:governments cut interest rates to spur demand
  • 2prune in (a side shoot of a plant) so as to form a spur close to the stem:spur back the lateral shoots

on the spur of the moment

on impulse; without planning in advance:I don’t generally do things on the spur of the moment [as modifier]:a spur-of-the-moment decision

put (or set) spurs to

use one’s spurs to urge on (a horse).




