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გამოთქმა: /stak/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a pile of objects, typically one that is neatly arranged:a stack of boxes
  • (a stack of/stacks of) informal a large quantity of something:there’s stacks of work for me now
  • a rectangular or cylindrical pile of hay or straw or of grain in sheaf.
  • a vertical arrangement of hi-fi or guitar amplification equipment.
  • a number of aircraft flying in circles at different altitudes around the same point while waiting for permission to land at an airport.
  • a pyramidal group of rifles.
  • (the stacks) units of shelving in part of a library normally closed to the public, used to store books compactly: the demand for items from the stacks [as modifier]:the new premises provided a reading room and a stack room
  • Computing a set of storage locations which store data in such a way that the most recently stored item is the first to be retrieved.
  • 2a chimney, especially one on a factory, or a vertical exhaust pipe on a vehicle.
  • (also sea stack) British a column of rock standing in the sea, remaining after erosion of cliffs.
  • 3British a measure for a pile of wood of 108 cu. ft (3.06 cubic metres).


  • 1arrange (a number of things) in a pile, typically a neat one:the books had been stacked up in neat piles she stood up, beginning to stack the plates
  • fill or cover (a place or surface) with stacks of things:he spent most of the time stacking shelves
  • cause (an aircraft) to fly in circles while waiting for permission to land at an airport:I hope we aren’t stacked for hours over Kennedy
  • 2shuffle or arrange (a pack of cards) dishonestly so as to gain an unfair advantage: I know the cards are stacked figurativeTexas’s capital punishment law stacks the deck in favour of death over prison
  • (be stacked against/in favour of) used to refer to a situation which is such that an unfavourable or a favourable outcome is overwhelmingly likely:the odds were stacked against Fiji in the World Cup
  • 3 [no object] (in snowboarding) fall over.

stack up

  • 1 (or stack something up) form or cause to form a large quantity; build up:cars stack up behind every bus
  • 2North American informal measure up; compare:our rural schools stack up well against their urban counterparts
  • [usually with negative] make sense:to blame the debacle on the antics of a rogue trader is not credible—it doesn’t stack up




